Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, free shipping on standard orders of £25 or over £25. For more information, please see our Shipping Policy.

What is your return policy?

We provide an easy return policy. You have 14 days to return your product for a full refund or exchange if you're not happy with it. To learn more, please refer to our Return and Refund Policy.

What type of payment method do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Shop Pay, Union Pay, and Apple Pay.

Is the information I provide on your website secure?

Yes, we employ SSL encryption to ensure the security of all of your personal information. We won't save your credit card information, and we'll only use it once to complete your transaction. Private information about our customers is never kept on file!

How can I get in touch with customer service?

Our customer service representatives are reachable by phone, live chat, or email. Our knowledgeable and friendly crew will respond to any questions or concerns you may have within a couple of hours.

Products Availability:

We do our best to keep our website up to date. However, there are times when items sell out quickly. If this happens, we'll make every effort to offer you an alternative choice or inform you if the item is expected to be back in stock.


Contact Information

Phone: +44 7402600407 

Email: support@bracebliss.com

Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom